Saturday, July 24, 2010

Look mom, I am published!

Yes, it is true! When we came back home I had a package waiting for me. Two of my layouts came back from UK. They were published in the ScrapBook Inspirations Ideas Book
I didn't have time to go over the whole magazine (it is thick!) but from what I saw it is full of great layouts and all kinds of inspiration. I am so honored that Shimelle picked up my layouts. I think that those 2 layouts truly represent my style so it feels good.

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  1. Congrats, Maya! Those layouts are fabulous.

  2. Congrats Maya! I noticed your lovely pages when I was browsing through the issue at Barnes and Nobles the other day. I immediately made my husband come over an look, shouting "I know her! I know her!" :)

  3. WOO FREAKIN HOO! Congrats girl! Beautiful layouts!

  4. Yay! I saw your lovely pages in the book and was admiring them. I even showed a friend and said "Look, look, this is someone I know!" (I was a bit excited... I did explain it was "know through my blog" rather than "have met and know personally..." - still...)
    I love them both, but I think the one of the children at the beach is my favourite (but then, who could resist that cute, adorable baby?)
    Congratulations on "being published"! I had a layout in Book 1 - it feels great, doesn't it?

  5. congrats Maya...she did choose 2 of your fabulous LO's, but then again they are all fabulous!

  6. Молодчина! Рада за тебя. Но признаюсь. Не менее рада тому, что ты со мной поделилась.
