Sunday night we had a lovely evening with friends. We made more sufganiyout. Of course it is not quite the same as a warm sufganiya from a street bakery in Israel but they were pretty good. After few minutes the only thing that left was an empty plate with sugar powder dusting.

On Tuesday morning we started potty training and spent the next few days playing and trying to keep our underwear dry.... not there yet.
Tuesday night we lit the candles for the last time this year.
Day 6 - Lila - raincheck for nook cover (she needs to come with me to the store and pick one), Ella - rhythmic gymnastic rope, Eli - play-doh with molds for cars
Day 7 - one gift for all - Zingo game in English and Hebrew
Day 8 - Lila - fluffy robe from Target, Ella - rhythmic gymnastics ball, Eli - wedgits
Late night I took one last picture of the few candles the were still burning. Hanukkah was over, time to pack up the menorahs and get ready to welcome 2012.