Last night I started to write a blog post. It was mainly about how tired I am and what a busy week I had. In the middle of that Lila came and said she doesn't have any clothes to wear to school. It was going to be 85F today and all her shorts from the last year are small. It was 8:20pm. We jumped into the car and raced to Kolhs. I said you have 15 minutes to look for the clothes and 15 minutes to try them on. In 30 minutes, just before the store was closed we were checking out with 4 pairs of shorts and 7 tops. That's what I call speedy shopping! But when we came back Eli needed some mommy time and I couldn't finish my post.
I was going to tell that yesterday me and Lila went to the annual figure skating club banquet. For the banquet I made 2 albums for our team coaches with the pictures from the season and thank you notes from the girls. 15 8x8 double spreads for each album

Saturday night I finally realized that yes, I can make them on time, than I run out of the adhesive. It was bad, because Sunday morning we were supposed to do a 5K for Mequon Education Foundation. So we woke up, walked 5K , after that I run to Michael's to get more adhesive and page protectors, back home, finished the pages, sorted, showed Lila how to slide them into the page protectors, shower, put the albums together and hop into the car - 50 minutes drive to the banquet. I came home exhausted (and that's before after our little shopping trip to Kohls) But I love how the albums turned out.

And here we are Sunday morning, ready for the 5K

I have few other things to share but it will have to wait - too many things on my endless to do list.
Oh, and this morning I had 291 unread posts in my Google Reader. So if I didn't comment on your blog for a while you know why. I will get there, I promise.